Shelly David created this beautiful space in this
southern estate.
Are you finding yourself gravitating to the safe color choices of white, beige and cream? As someone who might not have much experience with picking colors except every couple years when you need a design refresher in one of your rooms at home, you might tend to lean on the safe side. As aninterior designer working with a company with over 22 years of experience and the opportunity to pick color on a daily basis, I would love to share some tips for designing by color in your home.
As an interior designer we first take a look at our clients surrounding, the style furniture they have, the accessories and art that fill their space and even the clothes they have on. All of these things tell us a lot about the type person we are working with and our clients design style. We also like to start with design inspiration by picking out a piece of fabric, pillow, art, small accessories such as a vase and we can stem our color creative juices from those items.
Designer Beasley truly made this Moroccan room a one of a kind with the color he brought in with the stripes climbing up all the wall.
Click here to start following our pinterest account for further inspiration
Maybe you are still having a color block and you can’t seem to figure out what color waves you like. Try and get out of your home! Go to the mall look around at people’s clothing, patterns and go into some design stores. You will notice that certain colors will keep popping out at you. Another great way to figure out you design and color style is by going through several Design Magazines, Pinterest and Houzz. Mark what you like and this too should start to reveal your design style and color you gravitate towards.
Finally, it’s time to pick your color. Interior designers tend to have fewer mistakes after many tries with hot colors. A great tip that I can suggest to you is to try and cut your blues, yellows and greens that are originally selected in half as they always come out a lot hotter than they look. And lastly, and don’t ignore this very important tip, get a small pint and paint a small square on your wall. Go and look at it at all times of the day to see how the color is coming off. Don’t be lazy with this last tip. It’s the most important one that will save you a lot of money and heartache.
So now that I have given you a couple design tips that our very own interior designers use, it’s time to go have fun and find what colors you have to reveal your inner design color.